Search Jobs & Employees

We help you to find what you are looking for. We are your first step to becoming everything you want to be.

Storing resumes in the cloud is becoming more and more attractive to many applicants. No wonder: it’s easier and faster to use and information is available everywhere and around the clock. The applicant database offers just that.

HR managers also benefit from a faster and simpler application process, as all communication, from the initial cover letter to the interview, takes place via the tool. The tool clearly provides all the data on an applicant and can be accessed quickly when a job is advertised.

  • 2000 Inquiries
  • 2000 Inquiries
  • 3500 Applicants

SOME possibilities

What you can do at Will Job

  • 1

    Personal Scout

    Find the right personnel easily with Personal Scout.

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    All candidates at a glance with personnel management.

  • 3

    Live Chat

    Find personnel and contact them directly